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Agenda Council meeting 9th June 2021

2nd June 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

You are summoned to attend the Town Council meeting being held on Wednesday 9th June 2021 at 7pm, which will be held at Cotgrave Methodist Church Hall, to transact the business specified below.

Members of the press and public are welcome to observe proceedings.  Time is allowed for brief public participation. (Please forward details of any issues to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.)

All COVID guidelines must be adhered to:

Please queue outside of the meeting location, maintaining 2m social distancing, and wait to be asked to enter the building.
You will be asked to take the next available seat (from back to front)
Masks must be worn at all times, unless speaking
You must use the hand sanitiser on arrival
You must scan or sign in for Tract and Trace
When you leave the meeting, please do so starting from the front of the room first.#

The Risk Assessment for the return of face-to-face council meetings can be view on the Town Councils website:

Yours faithfully

Mrs J Stephenson
Town Clerk


1.         To receive apologies for absence.
2.         Declarations of Interest
3.         Public Open Session
4.         To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the virtual Annual Town, Annual General and Council meetings held on 5th May 2021,
5.         To consider progress with the decisions taken.
6.         To confirm the Planning Minutes – to note
7.         Planning Applications

21/01221/FUL    26 Main Road, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3HN – erection of single-story side extension and 2m high close boarded fence to replace hedge on northern boundary to Mill Lane, alter vehicle access (resubmission of 20/01031/FUL).

21/01516/FUL    24 Deans Court, Cotgrave, NG12 3LS – form a rear single-story extension with pitched roof over.

21\01660/VAR   Cotgrave Shopping Centre, Candleby Lane, Cotgrave – variation of Condition 11 (change the operation hour to Unit 1, (Unit 4 on the application)of planning permission 19/.02209/FUL

21.01588/FUL Peacock Lodge, Cotgrave Place, Main Road, Cotgrave – change of use from dwelling/house (Use Class C3) to holiday let (Sui Generis) with parking.

21/01561/CLUEXD Heronbrook Farm, Peashill Lane, Cotgrave – application for certificate of existing lawfulness for the storage of caravans and motorhomes.

21/01665/ADV 1 Cotgrave Shopping Centre, Candleby Lane, Cotgrave, NG12 3JQ – display of 1 no. internally illuminated signage projecting/handing sign.

8.         Financial Matters – to consider a) payments made, b) income received (since the last meeting), c) Financial Statements for April 2021.
9.         Annual Governance Statement for 2020-2021
10.        Risk Management Policy – to review
11.        Play Park Quarterly Inspection Report – 29th April 2021 – to note
12.        Broadmeer Play Park – to consider quotation for repair work to multi play unit.
13,        Tree Survey – to note report and approve works required.
14.        Mobile Phone Contract – to consider options
15.        Covid-19 –  to confirm any updates
16.        Correspondence
17.        Clerk’s Reports
18.        Councillors Reports