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Minute of the Annual General Meeting held on 5th May 2021


Councillors D Stothard (Chair), R Butler, K Chewings, M Chewings, D Eldridge, S Ellis, B Handbury, L Healy,
C Jeffreys, N Monday, M Myles, C Patterson, I Shaw and A Simpson.

Apologies Received           
No Apologies were given.

Councillor H Brumpton  

Julie Stephenson (Town Clerk), Jane Pick (Admin Manager) – Cotgrave Town Council                                                                                                                                       

The meeting was held virtually, via Zoom, and commenced at 7.43 pm.                                                                                                                                       

Election of Chairman

1632     Councillor D Stothard was nominated by Councillor K Chewings and seconded by Councillor I Shaw.

Resolved          :          
“That Councillor D Stothard serve as Chairman until the next Annual General Meeting.”

Election of Vice Chairman

Councillor I Shaw was nominated by Councillor M Chewings and seconded by Councillor D Stothard.

Resolved          :           “That Councillor I Shaw serve as Chairman until the next Annual General Meeting.”

The two nominees were asked what title they would like to be called during the year, Cllr D Stothard requested to be known and referred to as ‘Chair’ and Cllr I Shaw requested to be known and referred to as ‘Vice Chairman’.


1637     No apologies had been given.

Representation on other Bodies

Cotgrave Futures – Councillors D Stothard, K Chewings and N Monday.
Snow Warden/Flood Warden – Councillor R Butler
Tree Warden – Councillor C Jeffreys
Friends of Cotgrave Country Park – Councillor L Healy

Council Documentation

Councillors received the following documentation: –

Meeting dates for 2021-2022

The Chair asked if this item could be deferred until the Ordinary Council meeting, following the Annual General Meeting and that this could be discussed under Agenda Item 14 – Return to physical face-to-face meetings?

Resolved          :          
“That the meeting dates for 2021-2022 will be discussed under Agenda item 14 of the Council Meeting 5th May 2021.”

The Annual General meeting ended at 7.49pm

Chair: ……………………………….. Signed as a True Record (Date): …………………………….