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Minutes Council Meeting 7th December 2022

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Please note minutes remain in draft form until approved a the next council meeting.

Present                         :         
Councillors D Stothard (Chair), R Butler, K Chewings, D Eldridge, S Ellis, L Healy, C Jeffreys, N Monday, C Patterson, and A Simpson.

Apologies Received      :          
Councillors H Brumpton, M Chewings, S Gardner, B Handbury, M Myles and I Shaw.

Attendance                   :        
Julie Stephenson (Town Clerk), Jane Pick (Administration Manager) – Cotgrave Town Council and PC Cai Kemish (Notts Police)

The meeting was held at Cotgrave Methodist Church and commenced at 7.00pm   



2713     The apologies received were approved.

Declarations of Interest

2714     Councillor C Patterson declared an interest in Agenda Item 9, grant request from Cotgrave
Methodist Church.

Public Open Session

2715     PC Cai Kemish from Nottinghamshire Police attended the meeting to give Council an update on crime statistics and anti-social behaviour for Cotgrave.

2716     The statistics given covers the area of Cotgrave and Wiverton.  During 2021 there was 706 crimes reported which includes domestic incidents.  So far in 2022 (January to November) 516 crimes were reported.  379 of the incidents for Cotgrave and imminent boarders includes criminal damage, vehicle crime, theft offences, arson, and drug related incidents.

2717     Anti-Social Behaviour and criminal damage has dropped off in recent months as has the incidents of off-road bikes in the woods behind The Dial, following police off road patrols in the area.

2718     The Police have been in contact with the Youth Club in Cotgrave and are arranging some   football engagement days for the young people. Engagement days have also been arranged with Cotgrave Angling Club , this will include information of the laws of fishing and legislation.  Extra patrols have been carried out after reports of some illegal fishing.

2719     The Police have also been continually active on social media, which gives lots of information regarding neighbourhood policing in the Rushcliffe area.

2720     A week of action on drink-drug driving, using mobile phones whilst driving, uninsured and untaxed vehicles has been taking place during December.

2721     PC Kemish also reported that following an incident on Remembrance Sunday, a person has been identified and spoken to by the Police, who are dealing with the incident.

2722     The Chairman thanked PC Kemish for attending the meeting and giving the update.

Accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 7th December 2022

2723     Councillor Stothard asked if minute number 2702, Cotgrave FC, the date should have read September 2023 not 2022.

2724     Resolved          :          
“That the minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 2022 be received and confirmed as a true record.”

Progress Council Meeting held on 7th December 2022

2725     M2683  Fuel Costs

Councillor K Chewings said that there is a business case to look at replacing Council’s tractor that is using a lot of fuel compared to the utility vehicle.  This item will be included onto a future agenda.

2726     M2686 Payments Made

Councillor Healy queried the 3 payments for the emptying of the dog bins.  The payments came in one month due to a change in management at Streetwise.

2727     M2696 Christmas Lights Event

Councillor Healy asked if the two stalls that did not turn up at the event, had paid for their stalls and if so had this been refunded or not.  The two stalls had not paid the pitch fees.

2728     M2710 Cash Machine at Co-op

The Clerk had not yet spoken to the Co-op regarding the cash machine.

Planning Minutes

2729     Resolved          :           “To confirm the planning minutes recorded and the decisions taken  by the Council and those of the Planning Authority.”

Financial Matters

2730     Payments

Resolved:         ‘’That the payments made since the previous meeting totalling £23,529.83  as recorded below, be approved and the invoices awaiting payment be paid’’.

DateSupplierInv. NoItemAmount
12.9.22Real Christmas Trees1000017368Christmas Tree595.00
7.9.22Resident Safari Sale Stall Refund5.00
21.10.22J A Kents64712October Grounds Maintenance960.00
14.10.22Three1358823781Mobile Phones29.78
26.10.22Notts CC92789076October Salaries11,046.05
2.11.22CCL School Grant400.00
3.11.22Mrs J Pick Guy Competition Prizes60.00
30.11.22UK Fuels1097660Fuel271.51
3.11.22Water Plus241054Burhill Allotments57.38
1.11.22Rushcliffe BC70976059Service Charge Suite F156.00
1.11.22Rushcliffe BC70976308Rent Unit 28650.00
1.11.22Rushcliffe BC70975919Rent Suite F435.00
31.10.22Mick Dutton15005Fit new fan belt to Kioti Vehicle101.70
31.10.22Methodist Church Room Hire 12.10.2230.00
8.11.22Big Bang2061122Fireworks 6.11.222000.00
7.11.22Christmas Stall Refund30.00
10.11.22Notts CC Grant – Children’s Centre Toys200.00
25.10.22Water Plus136616Unit 2828.58
9.12.22Cotgrave Futures601Muga Electric Charges40.80
14.11.22RCAN Membership114.00
14.11.22Mrs J Pick Reimbursement for Library Grant – Toys129.00
9.11.22Elexcel11691Replace Timer on Muga Lights132.10
9.11.22Elexcel11688LED Bulbs for Muga Lights3233.88
9.11.22Blachere5155320LED Spark lights420.00
17.11.22Roffesoft7601CCTV Monitor225.76
21.11.22J Pick Reimbursement for Library Grant – Toys54.00
15.11.22Notts County Supplies112201568Paper, Diaries, Tape48.37
22.11.22K Mee Santa’s Grotto Final Payment113.98
22.11.22J Pick Christmas Competition Vouchers140.00
24.11.22Christmas Stall Refund30.00
22.11.22Baker Ross14495965Crafts Library Grant215.36
17.11.22Arco9443909288Coat, Gloves72.34
24.11.22J Stephenson Transport of Pallets (bonfire) Christmas Tree (Labour)60.00
17.11.22KPD Sounds2511222Christmas Market595.00
25.11.22The Entertainer3246Christmas Market652.80
24.11.22J Pick Chocolate for Grotto19.20
22.11.22SSE Unit 28 Electricity84.84


Income Received


31.10.22NatWest BankInterest65.61
1.11.22Cotgrave FCRent155.00
8.11.22Rushcliffe BCWatering Bushes rear car park1320.00
10.11.22Fosse MedicareGrass Mowing44.40
25.11.22VariousChristmas Stalls x 12260.00

Financial Statements

2732     Members considered and approved the Statements for October 2022 as reproduced at the back of the Minute Book.

At the end of October Council had £35,988.85 in the Co-op account, £159,552.22 in the HSBC account and £201,293.73 in the NatWest account.

Budgets/Precept  2023/24

2733     The Clerk had prepared the first draft of the budget for 2023/24.

2734     Recommendation         :          
“To recommend Option 2 for Council to Budget/Precept  for 2023/2024.

2735     Councillor S Ellis proposed that Council accept the budget for option 2 but remove the £2,000 contingency figure and also look at Earmarked Reserves.

2736     Resolved          :          
“That Council apply for a precept of £246,135 which equates to £101.13 per year or £1.94 per week for a band D property, which is an increase of 4.88%.”

2737     The increase is due to the exceptional rising costs of electricity, fuel and insurance and Council is using some funds from its reserves.

2738     Council will hold a working group consisting of Councillors K Chewings, L Healy, C Jeffreys,
A Simpson and R Butler, meeting on 25th January to discuss the Earmarked Reserves, this will be reported back to Council on 8th February 2023.

2739     Councillor Ellis thanked the Clerk for working and producing the budget.


2740     The Council had a remaining balance of £3,829.56 in the budget for 2022/23.

2741     An application for a grant of £400 has been received from Cotgrave Methodist Church for £400 towards the opening of their warm hub in Church. 

2742     The Church has started to open for two days a week.  4 hours on a Tuesday and 3 hours on a Saturday under the Warm Spaces Initiative.  They are open to everyone and are serving free drinks and soup in a warm environment.  The have games available and volunteers who site with the guests to play games or chat as required.  They also provide an opportunity for people to charge mobile phones and laptops if they need to.

2743     The Church is also liaising with the CCK and are using some of the left-over food, but they are also buying food on a weekly basis to supplement that given by the CCK.

2744     Councillor K Chewings suggested to approve a grant of up to £1,000.  This would be paid as an initial £400 as requested, with £600 being kept in reserve if they require more funding for the Warm Hub.   All councillors were in favour and

2745     Resolved          :          
“To award the Cotgrave Methodist Church a grant of £400, plus £600 to be paid at a future date , if required for the Warm Hub.”

Working Groups

Pensioners Christmas Meal

2746     Councillor L Healy said that everything was in place for the Christmas Meal on 21st December. An extra table had been added, so 160 would now be attending the dinner.

2747     The cost of the meal and transport was £4,900 and is within budget.

Cotgrave Futures

2748     The Administration for Cotgrave Futures had fixed new energy costs until November 2023.

2749     The Clerk mentioned that the outside lights and fittings were getting old and needed replacing, and suggested that these could be replaced by LED bulbs, which would be more cost effective.

Remembrance Day Parade 13th November 2022

2750     The Clerk had copied council into a report of an incident which took place on Remembrance Day.  The person involved has been spoken to by the Police and is being dealt with.

2751     Recommendations       :          

            1)         Do Council wish to write to the company involved, sharing their dismay of the actions
            of a member of their staff during the Remembrance Day Parade?

            2)         Following the incident, do council wish to consider the future of the Remembrance
            Day Parade?

            3)         What amount of donation to council wish to give the Notts 4×4 Responders for
            providing marshalling services at the event?

2752     Resolved          :           “Council wish for the Clerk to write to the company.”

2753     Resolved          :           “Council will review the parade at its meeting in September and it was suggested that Council liaise with the CBOC branch of the British Legion to review the 2022 parade.”

2754     Resolved          :           “To give a donation of £500 to the Notts 4×4 Responders.”

Civility & Respect/Dignity at Work Policy

2755     Council has received copies of the Civility and Respect Pledge and Dignity at Work Policy.

2756     By registering council are agreeing to the following statements:-

  • Our council has agreed that it will treat all councillors, clerk and all employees, members of the public, representatives of partners organisations, and volunteers, with civility and respect in their role.
  • Our council has put in place a training programme for councillors and staff.
  • Our council has signed up to the Code of Conduct for councillors.
  • Our council has good governance arrangements in place including, staff contracts, and a dignity at work policy.
  • Our council will commit to calling out bullying and harassment when if and when it happens.
  • Our council will continue to learn from best practice in the sector and aspire to being role model/champion council, eg, via the Local Council Award Scheme.
  • Our council support the continued lobbying for the change in legislation to support the Civility and Respect Pledge, including sanctions for elected members where appropriate.

2757     Resolved          :           “To agree to sign the Civility and Respect Pledge and to approve the                                     Dignity at Work Policy.

                                                     Flagpole/Flying of Flags Policy

2758     Notification has been received from Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Planning Department for permission for the siting of a flagpole on The Green, Cotgrave.

2759     Council were also copied into cost for the purchase of the flagpole and various flags.

2760     Resolved          :           “To purchase a flagpole, and relevant flags and to approve the Flag Flying Policy.”

Tree Works

2761     Following on from the tree survey in 2021, the cemetery is the final area of work which is required to be completed on the current recommendation before another survey is due in 2023-24.

2762     The cemetery requires five trees and a coppice group of Sycamores (approx. eight trees) to be reduced/removed and to remove three trees, two have Ash Die Back and a Common Elder which is not in a good condition.

2763     Other area requiring attention are:-

            Hawthorne Avenue – to fell a dead tree and reduce three further trees
Ringleas Park – to fell a Cherry and remove dead shrubs
Grassmere Park – to reduce a Hawthorne Tree down to hedge height

2764     Resolved          :           “To award the tree works require to Kent Services at a cost of £5,500, offering a 20% discount if all work is completed on one continuous visit.”

Correspondence (for information only)

2765     External Auditor

            P K Littlejohn have been confirmed as councils External Auditor for the next five years.

            The fees for 2022/2023 will be £630.

Clerks Reports

2766     The Clerk had nothing to report.

Councillors’ Reports

2767     Councillor Jeffreys has attended the AGM of the National Association of Local Council at Oxton.  The Guest speaker was Ben Bradley, the leader of Nottinghamshire County Council.

2768     Councillor Butler informed Council that Nottinghamshire County Council and Rushcliffe Brough Council’s websites have lots of information regarding community grants, any advice for individuals.

2769     Councillor Simpson asked if there had been an update on the bins located on the Shopping Centre.  The Clerk will make further enquiries.

2770     Councillor Eldridge asked if Council’s litter picker was still working, as there seem to be an increase in litter in the town.  The member of staff if still working collecting litter. 

2771     The Clerk suggested making some enquiries regarding providing some education for local schools on litter.

2772     Councillor Eldridge has also noted the amount of anti-social behaviour at the back of the Leisure Centre.

2773     Councillor K Chewings wanted to thank the staff for the work on the Christmas Lights Event, which had been successful.

2774     Councillor Ellis had been asked by a resident, why her daughter had not been permitted a stall at the event.  The Administration Manager had spoken with the stall holder and informed
them that they already had their type of stall book.  The stall holder would send some images of what they were selling.  Council never received this email.

2775     Councillor Monday asked if any further information on the bridge at Hollygate Lane.  The Clerk will write to Rushcliffe Borough Council.

2776     The Chairman wished everyone a happy Christmas.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at  8.47pm

Chair:…………………………………… Signed as a True Record (Date)………………………………


Planning Minutes

The following responses were made to plans under consideration by the Planning Authority, Rushcliffe Borough Council.

No objections were raised except where stated:-

099       At Council Meeting on 7TH December 2022

            22/01885/FUL    Café Pizzeria, Cotgrave Shopping Centre, Cotgrave – change of use from restaurant to a mixed-use restaurant and takeaway (Retrospective)

Rushcliffe Borough Council, the planning authority, has forwarded the following decisions:-

100       Permission Granted:

            20/03248/OUT   Land rear of Mill Hill Lane/The Old Park, Cotgrave, Nottingham –  Application of outline planning permission for the construction of up to 210 dwellings (all matters reserved except for access)
            20/02508/OUT   Land South and East of Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave, Nottinghamshire – application for outline planning permission for up to 100 dwellings with all matters reserved other than access/means of access.

            22/02101/FUL    29 Forest Close, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3JN – single storey rear extension.

Chair:…………………………………… Signed as a True Record