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Minutes of Council Meeting held on 2nd September 2020

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Minutes of Council Meeting held on 2nd September 2020

Cotgrave Town Council Virtual Meeting (via Zoom) 2nd September 2020

Councillors S Gardner (Chairman), H Brumpton, R Butler, K Chewings, D Eldridge (from 7.08pm), S Ellis, B Handbury, (from 7.08pm), L Healy, C Jeffreys, N Monday, C Patterson, I Shaw, A Simpson and D Stothard.

Apologies Received     
Councillors M Chewings and A Wilkie

In Attendance           
The Town Clerk, Administration Manager (Cotgrave Town Council), Brenda Ainsley (Cotgrave Plastic Free) and three residents (from  7.19pm).                   

The meeting was held at virtually, via Zoom, and commenced at 7pm.


The apologies given were approved.

Declarations of Interest

Councillor H Brumpton declared an interest in the public open session, where her partner, an allotment tenant, wished to speak to council regarding the allotments.

Public Open Session

Brenda Ainsley from the Cotgrave Plastic Free group wished to speak with Council regarding the group.

Cotgrave Plastic Free had just launched its own website – The group are looking to obtain plastic free status for the community of Cotgrave.  An initial meeting had been held at the beginning of March at the Library to discuss how to achieve the Plastic Free Status. The group is also working with Surfers against Sewage, which tries to prevent plastic from ending up in the water courses or the seas, as it takes many years to breakdown, if it ever does.

To achieve this, the group need to engage with 15 community groups, i.e. small independent businesses, local organisations, churches and schools, and each group needs to pledge to carry out three things that would help reduce the use of plastic.  At the present time, 8 groups had signed up. This could be changing from using plastic stirrers to teaspoons or wooden stirrers and recycling other plastics for multi-uses.

To also be able to gain plastic free status they need to the support of the local town/parish council, and the council would need to pass a resolution in support of the group and nominate a representative to join the group.

Councillor S Ellis proposed that Council pass the resolution, this was seconded by Cllr S Gardner.

“To pass the resolution in support of Plastic Free Cotgrave and for Councillor S Ellis to represent  Council at their group.””

The Plastic Free Group are hoping to encourage young people from the community to join and will be contacting the local schools and youth club when it is possible.

Brenda thanked Council for their time and agreement to support the group.

Brenda Ainsley left the meeting at 7.20pm

An allotment tenant spoke to Council regarding the skip that Council had provided at the Burhill Allotment site.  The skip had been delivered on Wednesday afternoon at 12.45 but was full by the afternoon and most allotment holders had not been able to make use of the skip.

The Clerk explained that a replacement skip had been ordered and this was delivered to site later the same day.

Some of the cost of the skips would be passed onto the tenants within the rental review for 2021.

Councillor Jeffreys asked if the allotment tenants paid a deposit that could cover such expenses.  All new allotment tenants will be required to pay a deposit of £20 to cover for the loss or non return of the allotment key.  Councillor Jeffreys suggest that a higher deposit or deposit bond should be asked for in future to cover any clearing of plots if tenants leave them in a poor state.

Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 8th July 2020

Resolved  “That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 8th July 2020 be received and confirmed as a true record.”


M0795 Motorcycles at Devils Drop Woods

Councillor Brumpton asked if there had been any update.  Councillor I Shaw informed that the motorcycles seemed to have stopped using this area for about 2/3 weeks and was now a lot quieter and the police had provided a patrol of the woods.

Councillor Butler had received correspondence from the off-road motorbike team that they have been made aware of the issues around Cotgrave with the off-road bikes.

M0797 Plumtree Road and Risegate Walls

The Clerk updated Council that an inspection from the Highways department of the retaining wall on Plumtree Road, had taken place and the loose bricks had now been cleared and the inspector had no further concerns with the wall at this time.

Following an inspection of the high retaining wall on Risegate surrounding a private property, Highways department will be contacting the resident of the property regarding the condition of the wall.

M806 Risk Management – Cotgrave Futures

Councillor K Chewings gave a brief update on Cotgrave Futures. He said that the business is financially sound for up to two years, if no income is collected, and has no outstanding debts or income.

M0817 New Crematorium at Cotgrave

Councillors Jeffreys and Shaw asked if they could become Councils representative to attend meetings with Rushcliffe regarding the crematorium. Council minutes had stated that Rushcliffe would like to send a representative to future meetings of Cotgrave Town Council to update on the plans and progress.

M0829 Hot Pots Building, Cotgrave Shopping Centre

Councillor Stothard asked if there was any further news on the empty Hotpots café.

Council had not received any further information, just that the borough council were in discussions with the owner of the building.

M0833 Memorial Bench

The Clerk would chase up the possibility of siting the bench on the grassed area outside the Leisure Centre on Woodview.

Planning Minutes

Resolved“To confirm the planning minutes recording the decisions taken by the Council and those of the Planning Authority.”

The Clerk had received correspondence from the planning department at RBC indicating that planning application 20/01589/ADVICE for 3 proposed houses on Marlwood was due to be considers by the planning committee on 10th September 2020 and the recommendation by Rushcliffe Borough Council was to refuse the planning application.

Financial Matters


Resolved:   ’That the payments made since the previous meeting totalling £60,030.30 as recorded below, be approved and the invoices awaiting payment be paid’’.

July 2020
Absolute Business 19294 Belt for Brother Printer £ 93.59
M Dutton & Son 13851 Strimmer Repair £159.17
Nottm Local News 52467 Delivery of Summer Newsletter £288.00
Mrs J Pick Petty Cash £ 24.00
Regal Paint 7904 Paint and Primer £148.62
Rushcliffe BC 70775355 CCTV Installation £3158.00
Rushcliffe BC 70788863 Quarterly Rent Eastmoor Park £66.25
Rushcliffe BC 70788872 Quarterly Rent The Green £68.75
Rushcliffe BC 70788890 Quarterly Rent Studio 3 £1410.00
Rushcliffe BC 70788854 Quarterly Rent Grassmere £68.75
Regal Paints 7873 Paint, Brushes, Thinners £321.54
Cotgrave FC Grant Funding (50%) £15,000.00
Absolute Business 18322 Ink Cartridges £98.41
A R Signs Various Covid-19 Signage £957.60
Mr M Butler Cotgrave Festival Refund £25.00
Hydro-X 126327 Legionella Testing Sports Pavilion £336.00
J A Kents 61028 July Maintenance £880.00
TMS Hardware Hardware £93.80
Notts County Council 9246638 June Salaries £8824.44
Notts County Council 92465634 Payroll Charges 1.4.19 – 31.3.20 £713.17
Mrs J Pick Postage Stamps, Hoover £84.66
Mrs J Pick Covid Guard Sanitiser £49.73
Roffesoft 6646 ESET Anti-Virus x 4 pcs (VAT Only) £9.70
Mrs J Stephenson Anti bac wipes and spray £14.50
Streetwise Environmental 18064 Bin Bags £60.00
Streetwise Environmental 17948 Empty Bins, service charge, play parks
inspections. £803.88
Sublime Shine 517 Window Cleaning C Futures £49.99
UK Fuels 1049164 Fuel £95.52
Opus Energy Sports Pavilion Electricity £38.40
HSBC Bank Charges £6.50
Sublime Shine 502 Window Cleaning 7.5.20 £49.99
Arco 938131596 Gloves £16.78
Cotgrave FC Grant (final payment) £15,000.00
UK Fuels 1051061 Fuel £131.04
Talktalk 21159690 Business Phone and Broadband £38.40
Opus Energy 687786058 Sports Pavilion Electricity £33.43
Vodafone 551520402 Mobile Telephone £19.65
Veber 47758 Data Back Up £13.20
J Stephenson Printer Cartridges £14.50
August 2020
Revitalised Respite Grant £400.00
A R Signs 28820 CCTV Signage £48.00
Roffesoft 6703 CCTV Router Installation £267.00
Notts County Supplies 82000210 Gloves, Paper Towel £101.45
Notts CC 924756612 July Salaries £8824.44
HSBC Bank Charges £6.50
Talktalk 21269478 Buisness Phone and Broadband £38.40
Opus Energy 68964241 Sports Pavilion Electricity £41.32
Veber 47807 Data Back UP £13.20
Regal Expo LIne 3389 White LIning Fluid £160.03
Mrs J Pick Flowers for VJ Day Memorial £15.00
J A Kents 61176 Grounds Maintenance August £880.00

Resolved : That the income totally £4099.18 since the last meeting, as reproduced below be noted.

NatWest Bank Interest £1.76
Rushcliffe BC Litter Clearance of Shopping Centre £846.14
M Dutton & Son Deck Mower £600.00
Belvoir Health Centre Grass Mowing £144.00
HMRC VAT Refund £2461.62
Allotment Rent Plot 8 Hollygate Lane £22.83
Allotment Rent Plot 14 Hollygate Lane £22.83

Financial Statements

Members considered the Statements for June and July as reproduced at the back of the Minute Book.

At the end of June 2020 Council had £23,332.41 in the Co-op account, £132,752.55 in the HSBC account and £201,074.20 in the NatWest account.

At the end of July 2020 Council had £23,332.41 in the Co-op account, £87,600.58 in the HSBC account and £201,075.91 in the NatWest account.

Grassmere Play Area

Grassmere Play Park is now starting to show signs of major decline around the bark pit area, particularly on the skate ramps and the play area surface within the enclosed fenced area. The last few inspection reports have noted minor defects which have been rectified each time, but these faults keep coming back due to the age and use of the play equipment.

The enclosed area needs a major top up of bark and this will cost in the region of £4500 just for the bark and the fencing/gate and boarding all need some improvement.

Council discussed several options and Cllr K Chewings proposed that a working group be formed to decided how to move forward with the play area.

Councillors K Chewings and D Stothard wished to form part of a working group. A meeting on site to be arranged.

Finding Fitness

Finding Fitness are a company made up of four full time coaches, who deliver sports and fitness programmes to primary school children.  They look to give children free to access, local sports opportunities, whilst providing parents with much needed provision during parts of the school holidays, and look to run Activity Holiday Clubs for up to 20 children between the hours of 9.30 and 3.30, five days a week.

This is partially funded by Funding Fitness applying for grants on council’s behalf.

They have contacted Council to ask if there is a need in Cotgrave for these events in Cotgrave.

Councillor K Chewings asked if the Clerk could contact Positive Futures and ask what their future provision in Cotgrave would be before making contact again with the company.

Phone Box on West Furlong

A planning document had been received from Rushcliffe Borough Council regarding the removal of the phone box on West Furlong.

Council had previous made enquiries to BT about adopting this box to site another defibrillator in but had been refused as the box was going to be used for other purposes.

In a six-month period, the telephone had been used to make 7 calls. No further information was available.  The Clerk had contacted Rushcliffe and made them aware of council’s interest and would make further enquires if the box could now be adopted by Council.

Cotgrave FC

The Chairman stated that although an update on the works had been sent, he was disappointed that a letter of thanks had not been received from the football club following the £30K grant funding for the upgrade to the sports pavilion.

Councillor L Healy also commented on this stating that it seemed the club has ‘taken the money and ran’, and it would have been nice if the club had sent a thank you and an invitation to see the work.

Councillor K Chewings indicated that this was a disgusting comment made by Cllr Healy and wished this to be placed in the minutes.

Councillor D Stothard said that the football club had said that they would provide for women’s’ and girls’ football but was also very disappointed that this had not happened. He would like to see girls’ football being promoted within Cotgrave, especially as ladies’ football is becoming very popular.

At the Council meeting held on 10th April 2019, Council agreed to suspend the rent paid by Cotgrave FC to council, it has now been 12 months since the football club paid any rent for the hire of the pavilion and sports fields.

The Clerk had provided Council with a document of costs incurred by Council for the football club over a three-year period, and based on these costs it was suggested that the rent should be reinstated and a charge of  £1,800 for 2020/21 starting from September 2020.

Councillor K Chewings proposed that the rent be set at £1,800, this was seconded by Councillor I Shaw.

Resolved  “To set the rent for the hire of the sports ground and pavilion for  Cotgrave FC at £1800 for 2020/2021 season.  The hire agreement will run from 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021.

Council Events for 2020

Great British September Clean Up

The Great British Clean up will be taking place from 11th to 27th September 2020.

The Clerk asked if Council would like to take part in this event, if so, this would take place on Saturday 26th September between 10am and 11.30am.

Council would need to consider the current guidelines for Covid-19 when organising the event.

The litter pickers, bin bags will be provided free of charge from Streetwise.  The litter pickers will arrive already sanitised.  Streetwise can supply hi vis vest, but because they cannot be returned these would be charged at £3 each.

Resolved              Council will organise to take part in the Great British Clean Up on Saturday 26th September                               between 10am and 11.30am.

The event will be advertised on Council’s website and notice boards.

Fireworks/Bonfire Event

Due to the current government guidelines, Council cannot allow for the residents to gather on the Welfare field for the fireworks display, but if the display providers could provide high level only fireworks, residents would be able to watch from their own gardens.

The Clerk will contact the firework company to adjust the content of the display.

The welfare car park would need to be manned to stop people from entering the area.

Councillor K Chewings proposed that Council went ahead with the display with no members of the public being present on the field.  This was seconded by Councillor D Stothard.

Resolved          :           “To proceed with the fireworks display”.

Information will be put out that the display will go ahead but must be watched from gardens and not on the welfare field.

Remembrance Day Parade

In normal circumstance the Council would organise a parade followed by a church service. Again, this would not be possible to current COVID-19 guidelines, as churches can only allow 30 people to attend at any one time, this is the same for the service at the war memorial.

A suggestion was made that the service in the Church could be livestreamed to residents.

Council will try to arrange for livestreaming to happen if possible.

Resolved          :           “To not hold the annual remembrance day parade, but to work with the British Legion l                                    and Rev. Paul Massey of All Saints Church to hold a smaller service of Remembrance and
                                       laying of wreaths at the War Memorial.”          

Christmas Lights

Again, due to the current guidelines, Council felt that it would be difficult and unsafe to run the Christmas Lights Event with the need for maintaining social distancing.

The Christmas Tree and Lights on the shopping centre will be put in place, but the event with stalls and a Santa’s grotto/entertainers will not be possible.

Council discussed the possibility of still being able to provide the schools with some selection boxes for the children.  The Clerk will make further enquiries how this would be possible.

Pensioners Christmas Meal

Councillor Healy had spoken with the Notts Golf and Country Club regarding the annual pensioners Christmas Meal.
They would be able to allow up to 30 people to have a meal at each sitting, and could provide this over 2 to 3 days, and the bus company would also be able to provide the transport to the venue.

Council shared their concerns about encouraging 30 people, which could be in a high-risk category, to travel and sit close to each other at the current time.

Councillor S Ellis said that the U3A group had postponed their Christmas Meal.

Councillor K Chewings proposed that Council’s event should be cancelled at a venue but suggested if Council could investigate the possibility of the Super Kitchen being able to provide the Christmas meals to the pensioners delivered to their homes.

Resolved          :           “Council unanimously resolved to cancel the pensioners meal and possibly replace this with
                                    a meal provided and delivered by the Super Kitchen, which would be paid for by Council.”

Councillor B Handbury thanked Councillor L Healy for the work he had put into trying to arrange the event.

CCTV Policy

Council had been copied into the new CCTV Policy for Council, for CCTV surveillance on the Shopping Centre area of Cotgrave.

Councillor K Chewings asked if Council now had all the documents and licence in place, the Clerk noted that this would all be completed now the CCTV Policy had been adopted. The Clerk is in communication with the ICO.

Resolved          :           “To adopt the CCTV Policy”

To agree to suspend standing order to allow the meeting to continue for a further 10 minutes.


A grant application has been received from Cotgrave Super Kitchen/Community Garden.

The community garden is located on one of the unused bowling greens and is being used to produce fruit and vegetables to be used for the community. They encourage the community to reconnect with food and nature in social and therapeutic horticulture support.

The group would like to hold events, workshops and eventually sell plants and produce at a small price to fund the garden.  They are working in partnership with Community Gardens around Nottingham to learn from their experiences in fund raising activities.

To ensure the garden can be purposeful throughout the seasons, they would like to initially purchase a polytunnel and shelving so they can grow throughout the winter and have their garden open continuously for the volunteers.

Council in principal were in favour of giving a grant to the group but Councillor K Chewings asked if the group could provide a further breakdown of the costs of the items they wished to purchase, before council make their final decision.

The Clerk would contact the group for this information.


Nottinghamshire County Council

Council has received a medial release from the County Council on the planned new recycling centre for Rushcliffe.

“If, approve this would be the second facility in the area ……..  The preferred site is on council owned land off Hollygate Lane in Cotgrave and will be easily accessible for residents across the whole of Rushcliffe, especially for those living in the east of the borough.”

Council were disappointed that they had not been contacted prior to the media released being released to the public and that the Bingham Conservative group had shared the inform prior to Cotgrave Town Council receiving the media release. Councillor K Chewings request that Council write to Notts County Council for more information.  All of council agreed, except Councillor Butler who wish to abstain.

Councillor Butler noted that the planning application has been made by Veolia to Nottinghamshire County Council. The planning proposal is in its early stages and this site might not be chosen.

Councillor Shaw noted that the land had been purchased by Nottinghamshire County Council.

To further suspend standing orders to allow the meeting to continue for a further 10 minutes.

A  letter of thanks has been received from Revitalise for Council’s grant of £400.

National Joint Council for local government services

A copy of the Local Government Services’ Pay Agreement 2020-2021 has been received which will be backdated to April 2020.

Clerks Reports

The Clerk had received communication from Notts CC Payroll team regarding the working from home allowance and asked if Council would give permission for her to claim the £6 per week for the administration staff.

Council were all in agreement.

A request has been made from Barratt Homes, that they wish to attend a future meeting with Council regarding the next phase of building planned for Hollygate Lane.

Councillor K Chewings said they are welcome to attend a future meeting, but this must be a Council meeting and not willing to hold a prior update meeting with councillors only, prior to the public meeting.

Councillor Stothard noted that all the phase one provisions, including the canal bridge, had not yet been completed and would like to see this work completed first.

Councillors Reports

Councillor A Simpson asked if the subject of Nottinghamshire Councils being scrapped in favour of one ‘Super Council’ was to be discussed.

He asked if this could be added to Council’s next agenda.

Councillor I Shaw said that he had received an email from the Chairman of Council, that seemed to have been hacked.

The Clerk is aware of the issue and has information the email host and is waiting for a reply.0925     Councillor C Jeffreys wish to thank the Clerk and the Administration Manager for the work they had undertaken for Council from home during the Covid-10 pandemic.

Councillor D Stothard said that he had seen a Facebook page regarding the Kids Club After School provision and that many parents are not able to access the service due to them only being allowed a certain amount of year groups and limited places due to the Covid pandemic.

The Clerk had spoken to the Manager at Kids Club and ask if there was anything Council could help to allow more children to attend the club.  At this time, the club was working under the Ofsted current regulations and until these changes there is nothing that Council can help with.

Councillor K Chewings said that at present they were not able to take years 4, 5 and 6 but asked if Council could still offer help and support where possible.

Councillor K Chewings also commented on the public consultation for the proposed development of the East Midland Energy Re-Generation (RMERGE) Centre (a multifuel  energy recover facility, recovering energy from waste materials) on the site of the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station, has a deadline date of 10th September.

Councillor Handbury was concerned about Ratcliffe on Soar becoming a waste facility for burning.

Councillor D Eldridge asked if the seat in Madisson Park would be replaced.  The Clerk would be looking at replacement in the Autumn.

Councillor Eldridge also mentioned that the hedge at the property on the corner of Chennel Nook required cutting back.  This was a private property that seemed to be currently unoccupied.  The Clerk will investigate and contact environmental health, if necessary.

Councillor Eldridge enquired if anyone knew anything about the Quad bikes that have been riding around Cotgrave. These are all understood to be both taxed and insurance and legal
to be driven on the road.

Councillor R Butler noted that several roads have been resurfaced and more are happening in the coming weeks and the road surfaces in much improved.

There being no further business the meeting closed at  9.30pm

Chairman…………………………………… Signed as a True Record (Date)………………………………

Planning Minutes

The following responses were made to plans under consideration by the Planning Authority, Rushcliffe Borough Council.

No objections were raised except where stated.

At Council Meeting held on 2nd September 2020

6 Bonnymead, Cotgrave, NG12 3QH – erection of two storey side and front extension including porch with render
finish. Conversion of integral garage to living space with first floor extension.

Heronbrook Farm, Peashill Lane, Cotgrave, NG12 3HD – two and single storey side extension.

Walnut Tree House, 11a Bingham Road, Cotgrave, NG12 3JS – two storey side extension single storey rear
extension and new front porch.

Standing Order No 68, the Clerk in consultation with the Borough’s Ward Members, considered the
following applications:-

8 Ash Lea Close, Cotgrave, NG12 3PR – proposed first floor side extension, proposed single storey rear extensions,
proposed front porch extension, erection of dormer window to front elevation and proposed partial rendering of property.

The Old Rectory, Rectory Road, Cotgrave, NG12 3HU – installation of a 40.5kW air source heat pump system
comprising of 3 x Stiebel Eltron WPL25 units.

Rushcliffe Borough Council, the planning authority, has forwarded the following decisions:-

Permission Granted:

24 Woodview, Cotgrave, NG12 3PG – erection of single storey side extension.

Permission Refused:

20/01309/FUL Land north of 19 Marlwood, Cotgrave – erection of 3 dwellings with associated parking.

Applications Withdrawn:

Woodend Farm, Owthorpe Road, Cotgrave, NG12 3PU – conversion of outbuilding to residential annex.

Chairman: …………………………………………………………… Signed as a True Record (Date): …………………………………………………..

Minutes remain in draft form until they are approved and signed at the following Council meeting.